My dear brothers and sisters, we fight many battles and one of which is in our dream. Same way that God can communicate with you in your dreams so does the Devil with which we call Nightmares. Last night I was fighting three of them to be exactly. Before I sleep I always pray and that night I felt the Holy Spirit coming down on me and I went to sleep and I was sleeping earlier then I'm used to. First Dream I had was of me and my husband admiring the forest and third world country. Then the devil went and try to attack me with a wolf I keep protecting my back and he wants to bite me but I threw him away over and over again with just one hand. Then I woke up and Pray again. After that I went to sleep again and had another nightmare of a witch who turns everyone into a monster that is chasing after us in school at first. I fought them off. With one hit 10-20 of them falls down and or thrown afar. Then I know that the witch was after me so we escape and try to get my mom with us but she was busy so we had to leave her and there were babies that turns into monster and I fought them off and locked them in a room and I woke up again and pray and then sleep again. Now the third time, the devil send in the mermaids and Spirit of the sea and This spirit tries to make me angry and when I found out in my dream what they were trying to do, The Lord God calm me and I was able to change my dream into a good dream. I praise the Lord for he is with me and he never leaves me. Then whole time I'm fighting them I had the whole armor of God with me from Ephesian 6: 10-18. My strength came from the Lord that I was able to fight them. One by one they send to fight me but my God is greater and awesome in power and I was able to defeat them Because of our Lord Jesus Christ. You see a couple days before this my husband had a dream that the demons were scared that they will be tossed in the fire because they couldn't complete their mission which is to destroy us. So now they are using everything to try and get to us but Greater is he that is in me then he that is of the world. I praise God when I woke up and read his words The BIBLE and then pray again and then I praise him with songs of worship. And the Holy Spirit came down again upon me. I realize the more the devil go against me the more stronger my faith gets. Now I will persevered in all that I do to the Lord God Almighty. So my brothers and sisters let my experience be an encouragement to you all to stay in Faith and never let the devil win against you. You may be weak but your God is Stronger then anything. Trust and Rely on Jesus Christ. Because we are made to be conquerors and we will defeat our enemies by the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope you guys learned something from this and May God Bless you all from it. Thanks for reading and May your Faith become stronger in Jesus Name Amen.
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