I say this many times and I will keep on saying Fears is the opposite of Faith. If you have Fear in you, then you don't have Faith. If you have Faith then you have no fear whatsoever. Think about how Apostle Paul was when he was on trial. He stand boldly and confess Christ to everyone at the Trial and he even appeal to CEASAR in Rome. He know and he have Faith that he was meant to go and Spread the Gospel to Rome and that no shipwreck was going to stop neither was he afraid when the snake bite him. He just simply shake it off. He had no fear because he believe in God and what God had told him he knows without a doubt that it will come to pass. We are suppose to be Christians, which means Christ Followers. If we follow Christ, we are suppose to believe in him and take what his Word said to heart and hold and do what it say. Fear is like a Chain that the devil uses to trap or tied people up with their sins. It's a bondage of short.You know those Whispers in your ears that said "Don't tell anyone, you will be laugh at. You are too sinful, God can never forgive you. or They don't like you, or You are nothing what can you do." Whispers of fear of acceptance or Fear of helplessness are one of the few tricks of the devil that try to make us stay in bondage. His plans are always to instill fear in people's heart so that they won't receive Salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. Many times in the Bible God repeated "DO NOT FEAR" over and over again. So if God had to repeat it multiples times then it must be Really Important. So take the time to build up with Faith by spending time with God in prayers and reading his WORD which is the Bible. If you guys don't have a bible I would love to give you want no matter what. Just leave a comment. If you are living in Fear, Would you like to walk out of that life and Live in Faith in the Son of God Jesus Christ who loves you and gave himself for you at the Cross of Calvary. If you do please pray this prayer below:
Dear Father in heaven, I come to you as a sinner. I believe that your Son Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and rose up again in three days. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and make me hold again. I repent of my sins and I make you my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart and live in me and let your Holy Spirit fill me up. Write my name in the book of Life. Today I confess that I am a Child of God. In Jesus name I pray AMEN.
If you pray that prayer and mean it from the bottom of your heart. I believe that you have been save and born again. Now get a bible start reading it and pray everyday. Go find a Holy Spirit filled Church that's bible base church and go there. May the Lord's Blessings be upon you and His Protection and Blood covers you in Jesus name.
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