I just wanted to say Thank You Jesus for all that you have done in my life. Everything happens for a reason and for a purpose and that purpose is YOUR WILL JESUS! Recently I have had a little struggle in my life and I was at the point of getting lost in the cross road, so to speak. At near the end of 5 years ago I was getting out of my Old Church and starting in a new American Church. At first It seems like I wanted to go there for learning purposes and helping out with the kids in that church. I been teaching the Kids at different churches for over 12 years. I usually stay a couple years in each Church and then God use me somewhere else. Well my old church I was there for over 5 years so. God just tell me it's time to move on. Now During those times I've been meeting in a home for Bible study and worship at my cousin's house. And many time I felt the Holy Spirit and God was telling me that I was going to Preach. I know that and I believe but I just don't know how. Now I'm the kind of person who likes to encourage people and it doesn't matter who you are. If you need a helping hand, I will be there for you if I sense you do. Now I just enter into a membership in this American Church because I love the Pastor there, his teaching was amazing, he teaches so according to the BIBLE and that is what I wanted most. He usually teaches us at my cousin house on a Friday night. So one day my husband wanted to send money to my cousin's Father to help him in his ministry in Vietnam because God was using him so much. Then my cousin kinda got mad about it and it started to tear us apart. So we got out of there seeking counsel with my uncle who is also being use by God in another City. We visited him one day and he said "I knew you were coming, and I know what you are coming here for. God is going to use you and you will preach just like your Dad before you." Now with all that emotion and stuff happen all at once, I was confuse and for a long while I was still confuse. That day he ask me I accepted because I do want to follow my dad's footstep for that was always my dream. For a whole week day after day the devil came and attack me in my dreams, each day a different demon spirit came and attack me in my dream. On Monday it would be a snake and I was kung fu fighting it. The next day was an alligator and I brake open his mouth before he could eat me up. The next day was a dog and he couldn't win against me either and yet the next day was a witch and she had an army with her but I would kick one time and 100s of them fall and kick another and a thousand falls. It was awesome. The next day after that I was lying in the living room listening to Christian music when my husband turned it off thinking I was asleep, i felt a hairy leg on top of !my chest and it was trying to kill me but with all my might I shouted "IN JESUS NAME BE GONE!" and I throw it on across my living room. Notice I wasn't asleep when this happened. I was only lying down in my living room and listening to Christian music since I have been in a Spiritual warfare the whole week and I was tired and Christian Music helps calmed me down and give me peace. There is power in Worship songs that can help you. That's why as soon as my husband turned it off. I was attacked. I won that night. Know that I don't know anything about preaching and sure enough I was going to do it. So I began to fast about it and I began to learn how to preach. I was going to CLI at the time and I learned a lot about being a leader in the church and how to lead. CLI is for Christian Leaders Institute. I am still there now. I don't really tell people that I learned Bible but I only told those who are close to me. Anyway Now just like Late Pastor Barry's prophesy to me that I will preach in a home church. Surely now I am doing just that. Now the Holy Spirit began to operate in me and how I worship and how I preach. Praise God for everything he do in my life. I am blessed and even though it has been a struggle and many obstacles in my way but God was always there to help me and protect me. I love my Lord Jesus Christ and I know that he Loves me very much. All you people out there who is having a Spiritual Warfare, Praise God in all that you do. Trust in God and lead not on your own understanding but in everything acknowledge him and he will make your path straight. Let him be the one to lead you and when you Praise him and give him thanks especially in the midst of your troubles, His Power will activate in your life and he will make his power perfect in your weakness. For when you Praise him, you are actual releasing your Faith and that can of Faith can move mountains of obstacles out of your way. Trust me I've experience God's goodness and mercy through Praising HIM in all that I do. God bless you and may you be encouraged and learned something that will help you in your walk with God.
-IF you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, know that Jesus loves you and he wants to set you free. He said "Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." SO please believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and in three days he rose again and repent of your sins and ask him to live in your heart. say this prayer "Lord Jesus I am a sinner and I believe that you are the son of God and that you died on the cross for my sins and rose up again in three days. Please forgive me all my sins and wash me white as snow. Come into my heart and I make you my Lord and Savior. Write my name in the book of life. Send your Holy Spirit to teach me and guide me in your righteousness. I believe From this day onward I am a child of God. IN Jesus name I pray Amen.