This is how we should live our life, people are suppose to see Christ in us. We are meant to be imitators of Christ. When Christ was on Earth he had compassion for others that he was willing to leave his kingdom to come to earth and minister Truth to us and Serve us by giving up himself for us at the Cross. He had compassion upon the sinners. Did he detest sinners and stay away from them. NO he instead said in Luke 19:10 "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." The lost are the Sinners. Jesus sat down with sinners and eat with them. He touch the sick and the poor and the needy.. We also should never discriminate one another but instead love everyone with the love of Christ. Our thoughts and actions shouldn't be normal as the World sees, but It should be abnormal to the world and we should live in the Supernatural relying on the Power of Christ that makes us more than a conqueror. I have been in deep depressions and in sickness these past couple of Weeks because I was letting the negativity of others around me tied me down. I had a respect for those person but I should never replace what God said with the Words of Men. God does not LIE, Men Can Lie. But GOD's Words is always true and Just. After God has rescued me from that Yesterday. Me and my husband decided to fast to change ourselves for Good. We fought again against the Enemy's lies and deceit and have come up nd the Lord Answered us. He gave a clear answer to our prayers through visions and His Holy Words. Praise GOD. We are meant to do his Words to Stand up and CHANGE THE WORD BY LIVING IN HIS WORD PRAISE GOD.
God Bless YOU GUYS and I love you all. BE at Peace with Christ JESUS!!!!