My brothers and sisters, you know that when we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior, We are crucified with Christ, and we no longer live but CHrist that lives within us. Our flesh is dead and we live by the Spirit. If we do not learn to live by the spirit we cannot succeed in being a Reborn Christians. There is two world, The natural world that we live in, and the Supernatural which is the spirit world. THE SUPERNATURAL WORLD existed first and made the Natural world. So the Supernatural controls the Natural and it can stop the natural from happening. When we are reborn, we no longer lives in this natural world. That's why the world hates us because we have become to live in the Supernatural world. When we pray, God hears our prayers and he answers them sending his angels to do all that work for us. We cannot see the angels because they are Spirits. They are working around us all the time. There is a war going on in the supernatural world that our human eyes cannot see or comprehend. That is why we learn to live by the spirit. Because when we do, whatever we say have an effect. Whatever we sow whether good or evil will come back to us the same way. Some people call that Karma, but it's the it's the Supernatural Law of God. If you do good things as the Bible instructed you, then you will receive blessings, vise versa if you do bad things, know that, whatever you have done will come back to you. That is one of God's Supernatural Law abiding us. If we give, it shall be given back to us press down, shaken together and running over. That's another law. If we learn to live by them we will be shown great and unsearchable things that we don't know about. IN Jeremiah 33: 3 it said
‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ this is what will happens if we pray in the Spirit and the spirit of God will be at work. So my brothers and sisters learn to live by the spirit by reading your Bible and meditating on it. I hope you are bless with this words may God Bless you and make you understand the deep things of God.