Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our churches are lukewarm in this generation. What does lukewarm means? Lukewarm is when you're in the middle, you're neither good or bad, but you accept both ways. Jesus said that in Revelation 3:16 "16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
Most of the churches today only preach about what makes them feel good. They also mix the message and Scriptures to fit their desires. Many Christians say they are but yet they are still doing what their flesh wants. People say but don't do as the scriptures say. We have to follow the scripture according to what God wants not what we want. We can play Church but we won't be save. People now a day don't believe in God and or mad at God for something that happens to them. They will say that it's a myth and something we made up. Preachers will preach only what they think their congregation wants to hear. And Pastors and preacher is working for money instead of God. They are also people-pleaser than God-pleaser. So they look up more to humans the creations than God the creator. God does exist and he made the whole world and everything in it. God already warns us about this in 2 Timothy 4:1-8 

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